Team Members
Dr. M Saqib Saleem
MRCP (UK), FRCP (Glasgow)
Consultant Internal Medicine
Director Emergency Services
Dr. Maryam Munir
Medcal officer
Team Members

MBBS MCPS ANAESTHESIOLOGY REGISTRAR Accident and emergency department
Dr. Dua Ghazanfar
MBBS Medical officer Accident and Emergency Department
Emergency Department (24/7)
A Contemporary and vast Emergency service for ADULTS and PEDIATRIC patients covering every minute of every day is the highlight of this Hospital. Our state of the art Emergency department headed by a Foreign Trained Emergency consultant and a team of well-trained doctors and nurses providing optimum care of International standard.
Dedicated TRIAGE ROOM where we have introduced MANCHESTER TRIAGE SYSTEM to classify and treat ADULTS and PEDIATRIC patients according to the severity of illness and injury. We have a state of the art well-equipped independent RESUSCITATION ROOM where all types of acutely sick (Cardiac arrest & Peri arrest patients) and severally injured patients (Poly Trauma patients) are managed in complete isolation.
The purpose built MAJOR, MINOR, ISOLATION AREAS along with MINOR OPERATION THEATER are the salient features of our department. The suspected cases of infectious disease are initially assessed and kept in isolation room.
We also provide 24/7 Ambulance Services for transfer of patients from their houses to the hospital and vice versa. Our ambulances are well equipped to deal with all types of medical and trauma patients in pre-hospital sittings.
Continuous Medical Education to improve the knowledge and skill of junior staff is the most important feature of our emergency department.
REVIEW CLINICS by Consultant plays a pivotal role in the continuous patient care even after discharge from hospital, resulting in increased patient satisfaction and decreasing the chance of mismanagement of the patient.
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UAN: 042 111 296 296
UAN: 042 35451296